PG Nickel

The ports of nmap have come to this. The ports are getting too long for me to write down now. I'll have to memorize the (paste -d, -s) part. AWK is comfortable for me.

21  | FTP | FileZilla Server 0.9.60 beta | No vulns
22  | SSH | OpenSSH for_Windows_8.1 (protocol 2.0) | No vulns
135 | RPC | Nothing interesting in
139 | SMB |  srs.sys MS90-050 not working.
3389 | Remote Desktop | Can't connect. No known vulns.
8089 | CSRF vuln showing in nmap. Stange a links to internal IP address.
33333 | CSRF vuln showing in nmap. Invalid token.

Vuln must be in 8089 and 33,333

At first, I think this must be some CSRF vuln. I play around with the IP Address to get it to I go to 33333 itself and enter the /list-running-procs. I change up the HTTP Methods. I lookup some here: . As a developer, you can code for these methods however you want.

I enter in "POST" for the URI /list-running-procs. That returns something. The SSH line looks like the way in.

I learned my lesson from the last box and looked more closely at out of place folders. The C:\FTP had an Infrastructure.pdf so I took it. It was password protected.


Lessons Learned

  1. Found out where to download exe for winPEAS
  2. Rediscovered certutil
  3. Rediscovered netcat file transfers

Need to Do

  1. plink.exe and ssh port forwarding did not work. Access Denied
  2. Relearn this ^
  3. Relearn accessck and icalcs
  4. Relearn scp


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