
Showing posts from February, 2019

CCDC Ohio Release Statement

On February 2 Lakeland Community College won 1st in Ohio for CCDC State Qualifiers. The team was composed of Adam Stephens and I, both Cisco 3 students. We are the smallest team to ever win in Ohio and advance to Midwest Regionals. To top it off we placed 4th out of 20 teams overall in 5 states. Our two person team faced against other teams that had up to eight members. I served as the Firewall, Web, Windows, Linux, and Splunk Admin. Additionally I did Inject Management and was the Team Captain. Adam was the Linux/Windows Admin and Inject Manager. I put a lot of time, money, and effort into CCDC. I studied two hours every day after work. I originally started out as a Web/Linux Admin and had to self-learn Firewall and Windows administration. Over the Summer I coded the entire Inject Scoring Engine website. I have an entire binder filled with notes that gets bigger everyday. I created my own identical lab environment from the ground up. I started my own team at Cuyahoga Community Col

CCDC 2019 Qualifier Questions

Materials You might need this. Here is the packet from 2019 Midwest Qualifiers: Midwest Qualifier 2019 Packet SOLVED Question 1: Why did these Palo-Alto FW rules fail? My tried-and-tested rules failed during Qualifiers. It took me a total of 16 minutes to input them into the PA Web GUI. My first guess is it has something to do with NAT? Do I have to put the NAT IP Address into the destination address too? I have no idea how to implement NAT with a virtual router and my unmanaged router at home. I can't test NAT in my own lab environment. Note: Rule "anything" is disabled. I use that for emergencies only. I don't set the "Default" rule, the PA will disallow everything with 0 rules. SOLVED Question 2: Why can't I nmap/ping/reach services from the External Windows 10 host? I tried playing with the IP and subnet mask on the Win 10 box. No dice. I had a PA any-any rule so I don't see how that was a problem either. Any ideas? I did not che