
Showing posts from May, 2018

My Internship Expierence at Hurricane Labs

Backstory I’ve seen blog posts of interns writing reviews for big tech companies like Amazon and Microsoft. I thought Hurricane Labs deserved one too. This link describes what HL does: Hurricane Labs. I was the only person left without an internship my sophomore year. A group of Baldwin Wallace University (BW) students and I were at the BSides security conference. They were all working at Hurricane Labs, Secure State, and other places. I was the odd one out working at Walmart. I felt envious but reminded myself these students were juniors and I was still a sophomore. I was very late on the summer internship game. I didn’t want to take on an internship until I felt ready. I thought if I did a bad job, I would block out other women. If I did a terrible job I wouldn’t just hurt myself, I’d hurt all the future women trying to get a job at the same company. If a company has repeated bad experiences with a group of people, I think they’d just stop hiring them. This is what I thought back