
Showing posts from July, 2019

BSides Pittsburgh

This was my first year at BSides Pittsburgh. I usually attend BSides CLE but the tickets sold out. I was 20ish days late to buy a ticket. The goal was to wake up at 5-6am. That didn't happen. I woke up at 8:20AM like a curse. Why is it always that time? I must have unconsciously turned off my alarm. When I look forward to something I have no trouble waking up. This was unusual but I had to take my losses and start the day. I was more interested in the afternoon talks anyway. I was not prepared at all. I didn't know I was going on the toll road. Luckily I have my "Unprepared Amanda Money" I use in these situations. I asked Google "where are we going again?" Rivers Casino? Yes it was some Casino. The drive was extremely easy! I turn the air conditioner and music off when I see a city. Getting to the Casino was easy as cake. Getting out and back on the highway was hard. The turns were just very confusing. Ok so I arrive in the middle of lunch. Perfec