
Showing posts from October, 2022

Scrambled - HTB

This is an Active Directory box based on the ports open. Navigate to the supportrequest page. We see two potential users exist: support and ksimpson . The domain can be added to the /etc/hosts file too. The username and password is ksimpson/ksimpson. We see NTLM is disabled based on this hard-to-read and easily-missed notification message. is broken. Please fix with a local copy: impacket-getTGT scrm.local/ksimpson:ksimpson export KRB5CCNAME=ksimpson.ccache so impacket can use the ticket. hashcat -m 13100 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt The password is pegasus60. Which fits for UCF right. Get a PDF document from samba. We can pass the ksimpson TGT ticket to login. scrm.local/ksimpson:ksimpson@dc1.scrm.local -dc-ip scrambled.htb -debug -k Next lets use . Take Pegasus60 and get a NTL

PG Mice

I haven't seen these ports before. The agressive nmap scan doesn't give much information. I google the 1978 port. Since the box is called "Mice" and the exploit is called "RemoteMouse", it tips me off. I look into the exploit and see the SIN 15WIN NOP NOP text. This must be it. I edit the script and realize the issues are because this is python2. I run python2 and it works. I download a faster exploit script too. I try multiple reverse shells and fail. I throw my hands up and do the "Give Up! Download netcat and use that instead!" step. I get shell on the box.

2 months and 17 pounds

Weight Gain during the Pandemic I gained an extra 20 pounds during the pandemic. It happened within a month or two while I wasn't paying attention. I was blindsided. I woke up one day and didn't know how I got myself there. I've never lost weight successfully. I can maintain, lose a little, and that's it. Which is all I needed to do until 2020. Too Many Failures to Count I've been struggling with this for two years. I started and stopped many diets. I found the calories in/calories out method doesn't work for me. If I eat 1200 calories, I gain weight. If I repeat that over and over, I gain weight. The low calories made me feel hungry and weak. Maybe it works for men. I tried working out a lot. This just made me gain too. I could walk/run 20-30K steps and gain weight. I wasn't eating that bad either. I ate whole food vegetables and fruits. It worked for the first 4 pounds and stopped. I'm already a vegan. I tried intermittent fasting