Active HTB Active Directory

smbget -R smb://anonymous:anonymous@

Run smbget to retrieve all the files. Find Group.xml located in active.htb/Policies/{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}/MACHINE/Preferences/Groups/Group.xml

Run gpp-decrypt on the cPassword hash.

Logging in is not working. However kerberoasting and secretdump can still work.

Trying Stuff Out (Not related to solving this box)

Nice little sambaserver trick works when downloading fails ^

Lessons Learned

  1. See SYSVOL? Have access to SYSVOL? Older box? GPP Password Decryption may work.
  2. Group.xml is the file to look for.
  3. Used kerberoasting.
  4. GPP good for pre and post exploit.
  5. Found smbget command.


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