PG Nibbles
I look into vsftpd 3.0.3 first. Only a DDoS vulnerablity exists. Anonymous login is not working.
I move onto port 80. I don't see anyting interesting. ffuf is not showing anything.
It must be the postgresql server. I try psql and it does not work. It does not work because I need to set the port! The postgresql is sitting on port 5437. The default port is 5432. The default username/password is postgres/postgres.
I don't know much about postgres so I go on hacktricks.
The three metasploit modules stand out.
I read the /etc/passwd file. wilson is a user. I try to read /home/wilson/.ssh/authorized_keys and /home/wilson/.ssh/id_rsa. He does not have either. Reading doesn't help. The /bin/bash on postgres is insteresting to me.
I got stuck on this part for 1 hour. I use my favorite port 443 for reverse shells. Most Firewalls allow port 80 and 443. In Offsec fashion, they blocked port 443. I have run into this issue on another Offsec box a year ago. After an hour, I change the port to 80 and this exploit works.
I finally have a shell on a box. Priv Esc takes little time. Wget and run it.
Find on gtfobins:
🗡️ Solved in Under 4 Hours 🗡️
First Intermediate box yay! I'm playing pokemon now. I collected postgres. I'm still looking for Oracle, MySQL, and more web apps.
Lessons Learned
- If a reverse shell is not working, try setting port 80 on it.
- First Postgres hack.
- Starting a Postgres Jutsu sheet
Additional Work
Manual Exploit
I want a manual exploit. 50847 works. searchsploit -m 50847.
FTP User/Pass List
For when I was using hydra on FTP:
Actually going a directory up, this all looks good.
Read this and grap important info for jutsu sheet: and
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