Shawnee Lookout and Miami Trails Ohio

Favorite Photo - Miami University Trail by Dewitt Cabin

I traveled to Cincinatti on May 30-31 2021. My right foot has been hurting since 5 days ago. It hurts to walk, but not when running. Its poetic INjustice since the last time I was at Miami, I left with a car hitting me and on crutches in 2016. I was a student at Miami for 1 semester and thats all I could take of it lol. I remember Miami having extremely nice trails. When you breathe the air, its different. Its SO clean! I parked at DeWitt because its free and I don't want another $70 parking ticket from Miami. All the paths I ran on were undiscovered by past me. The one trail I wanted to go on, I couldn't find in time. After 5 miles, I couldn't walk/run no more.

Shawnee Overlook was my main attraction. I completed all the trails. Below is a ranking:

  1. Little Turtle Trail (Best Run) 2.0 Miles
  2. Miami Fort Trail (Best View) 1.4 Miles
  3. Blue Jacket Trail (Open Fields) 1.25 Miles

Miami doesn't have a trail ranking since the trails weren't marked very well. I will say Miami was better than Shawnee on the running aspect. The woods also had a rainforest feel. The bird chirping was everywhere. You are surrounded by trees.

First Day: Shawnee Overlook Miami Fort Trail

Above is a picture where Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana meet. The bridge takes cars to Northern Kentucky. The steam to the right is Indiana. The water is called Ohio River.

Shawnee Overlook Cabin and Schoolhouse

Shawnee Overlook Little Turtle Trail

Shawnee Overlook Blue Jacket Trail

Day 2 - Miami Trails


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