Palo Alto for GNS3 CCDC Tutorial
Opening Hello fellow CCDC Competitors! Struggling to get a Palo-Alto VM? I know how you can get one! Email me at I'll tell you the steps to get a PA-VM for GNS3. Why am I giving this info to you? Wouldn't it make sense to hog the info to myself? Wouldn't my team have an advantage? There are have and have not universities when it comes to PaloAltos. I fell into the "have not" group. Our college didn't have access to PA-VMs and still doesn't. Even if PA Cybersecurity Academy is free, there is too much red tape. I can't change the outcome. I can only come up with this one solution. Another reason is Tri-C is a tryout team. I think its pretty unfair as a potential Firewall Admin I'm the only one with access. No one can challenge me unless they spend 2K for a PA-VM. It becomes a rich-person only position. I have a leftover PA-VM from 2018 I promised not to share. I couldn't share that with my challengers. But I f...
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