65 to 80: Passing the OSCP Exam on my 2nd Attempt. OSCP Journey Review.

I sat for my OSCP exam again on Tuesday January 26, 2021. I picked this date because I like the 9am timeslot. Waiting until February was too far out. I wanted to pass the exam at 24 years old. My birthday is in February.

It felt like I was failing the exam until 6:23pm when I took control. I reached the Avatar State. Or in Star Wars, after 4 hours of being in a force block, my force power finally won out.

I was running Hurdles and I'd trip up after each one on the last box. It would be a 1 - 2 hour lag. I would clear one hurdle, get to the next hurdle and fall. On a good note, none of them stopped me for long. If I was stuck on something for 1.5 hours and finally figure out why, I'd laugh at myself and shake my head. How could I be stuck for that long on that? The real battle started when 2 boxes are left and I need 1 more.

OSCP Journey

The hardest part of OSCP is the mental endurance. I put at least if not over 400 hours into studying for it. I've been a hermit since August. At the end I would say strange things like "I can't wait to live a multi-tasking life" and "I accidentally met my goal of taking a day off :\ I was gonna wait until next week. So in disappointment, I met my goal." I studied Monday-Friday after work. I would run outside first, then study after. I'd study mornings for Saturday/Sunday. I'd take a day off sporadically when I needed it. Probably once every three weeks. At the end I focused on doing 1 box/writeup a day. That's all I could do without burning out. Once I'm in the zone with studying, I lose track of time.

I broke my Saturday study rituals and went to volunteer instead because I wanted to "live a multi-tasking life". Between OSCP attempt 1 and 2 I completed the entire LAB PACKET and 10 Machine writeups. I kept up what I call a steady 30mph pace in January. Which I KNEW is what I needed to pass. I didn't need to be going 40-60mph.

The situation was: The car has a small fire. I cannot keep up this pace. This pace cannot continue. If I go 30mph and stop January 26, it will be fine. Just need to take a 2 week - 1 month break after.

If I failed a second time, I would've taken a 2 week break. I would've started studying every other day and take it a third time. I was going to change up my routine, pass or fail.

The OSCP was my way of defeating the coronavirus. I wanted to take advantage of it, not the other way around. The coronavirus is the perfect opportunity to become a hermit and study. Studying and passing the exam is one of the hardest things I've ever done.


Report Writing: Michael LaSalvia Report Suggestions

Michael LaSalvia's Youtube video was helpful in tweaking my report. Separating the lab and exam report is now required by OffSec.

Buffer Overflow: TCM Buffer Overflow

TCM is the best at teaching Buffer Overflows.

Privilege Escalation: TCM Linux Course and TCM Windows Course.

I made a document of the privilege escalation techniques for Windows and Linux. These were my two most helpful blogs that I revisited over and over again. I'd suggest making a technique document and structuring it from "most likely" to "least likely". When you discover a new priv esc technique, put it in your document.



Take a 2-Day Break before Exam

I highly recommend taking 2-3 days off before the exam. Being able to think for 12-24 hours is more important than studying for the last 2 days.

After the OSCP: What now?

1. My personal Missing Persons Project.

I've been thinking of branching out to Indiana and Illinois this year.

I also wonder if I can use my skills to help other orgs. If you know of any opportunities where an OSCP (or person with OSINT skills) can volunteer, let me know. I already participate in Trace Labs.

2. Capture the Flag / More HTB

I can't get rusty! I will continue doing writeups.

3. Node.js

I'm going to become confident in Node.js since I use it so often.

4. CVE Discovery

I know how to find vulnerabilities. I can take existing vulnerabilities and exploit them. What about being the first person to discover a new vulnerability?

If you published a CVE before, how did you go from OSCP to finding 0-Days? I assume people start off with downloading old web applications and finding XSS or SQL vulnerabilities.

5. Reversing

My favorite part of the OSCP was buffer overflows. I thought the process and different rules were fun and it reminded me of martial arts. I think the term is called "reverse engineering". I just wonder how this would be helpful or what people do with these skills?


  1. Can you please suggest what I should study or topics I should cover before registering for the Pwk course?

    I am a 3rd year Com Sci student

    1. https://johnjhacking.com/blog/the-oscp-preperation-guide-2020/ . <- John has good tips


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