Website Released!

Mindy Klem and I worked on the Tri-C CCDC website. I've been hosting it for two days now. Expect a slight outage while I transfer hosting from my Desktop (VM Production) to a Raspberry Pi. I still need to buy the Pi from BestBuy today.

Here is the Github link. If someone wanted to copycat the website, they could just do View Source. I didn't see any harm putting the code on Github. We used HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. I want to bring the website to 2019 by using Angular or something trendy. I want some elements to convert into components. That way I don't have to copy and paste the header and footer 10 times on each page when I change something. I might make this a "mission" for someone that wants to be the Web Admin.

My English writing was atrocious while making this! I'm either on or off the mark. It's all or nothing with my writing. I know when I hit a homerun and I know when it sucks. Some sentences are cringy but I couldn't think of a way to reword them. If you find any of these sentences on the tricwebsite let me know alternatives.


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