Team Lakeland vs Polite Slenderman: Review of 5-State Qualifiers

Team Lakeland vs. Polite Slenderman. Review of 5-State Qualifiers

The Enemy

I categorize the enemy as 'Polite Slenderman'. Why? The hackers didn't destroy any boxes beyond repair. They would change a line of config and that's it. Polite Slenderman sat idle on boxes, just watching us. It felt like playing Where's Slenderman and Slenderman would get angry if you didn't notice him in 2 hours.

Slender Activity

"Oh hello Slender! You've been in this box for 22 minutes! I should've kicked you out sooner! Thanks for sitting like a duck and visiting. Out you go now. Have a good day."

Polite Slenderman broke into Debian MySQL, Ubuntu DNS and the Splunk box. One hacker really wanted to lounge in that Splunk box. I would kick them out, retype iptables, shut down sshd (I think?) and they would be back. Slender would change enableSSL=0 to 1. I had to change that config three times. Debian I only had one issue, kicked them out, and didn't see activity again. Same with Ubuntu DNS. The hackers were probably idling on CentOS and Windows 2008. They just didn't break anything.


I'm surprised Windows 2008 AD/DNS didn't go down. We didn't do much with that.

What could've been done better?

1. Confusion on where I did/did not put host-based FW rules. Keeping track of 10 hosts can get confusing.
2. Network-based FW rules.
3. Better backups.

What went right?

1. Inject Quality.
2. Time management. We had a lot of time left. We only had a 30 minute window where we felt overwhelmed. I heard over speaker multiple teams had trouble within the same time frame. An inject about OpenVas and not having enough space for it.
3. Pacing. We started at 45mph and ended at 45mph. We had a linear performance which is good. We were running a cross country race.
3. Scrubs. We only used 1 scrub total and it was the right call.
4. Service up-time at a high ~90%.

Total Capacity: 80%. Grade: A-

Okay so this concept of capacity. I graded us at 80% because we could handle 20% more work without suffering. Suffering is called over-capacitated.

How do we know were overcapacity?
1. Inject degradation. Quality and quantity down.
2. Service uptime suffers.
3. Can't do everything.
4. Overwhelmed with work.

I predict Wildcards would be our max-capacity. We would be cutting it close to deadlines. This is just judging off my 2017 experience.

Regional Predictions

Before you reach a capacity problem, you will hit a skill issue first. It won't matter if you have 60 minutes for an inject if you have no idea how to do it. I predict I'm going to be hitting into some skill deficits. Injects that are new to me that I can't solve in time. Hopefully I can solve most of them. I just started practicing Regional level injects after Qualifiers was over. I'm also worried about the Cisco devices. Our team only has a few-months experience on them. We've always started from scratch and haven't been dropped into an existing network.

Overall, we have a good fighting chance. I don't think we will be in the bottom pack. We're going to work hard for 3rd and bring out a performance to be proud of. Below is a sneak-peek of our strategy: Manji Formation Firefighter rescue. Next time: Team Lakeland vs Zabuza of the Hidden Mist Uninvited Guest:


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