CCDC Free Agent: Looking for a team to join

CCDC Free Agent: Looking for a team to join

I'm looking to join a CCDC team outside of Ohio. I will be available to move October 2019. This team can be outside the Midwest region. I can be part-time for winter semester and full-time for CCDC season. Chicago is an ideal location but I'm open to anything. I can enroll in a Masters program, take a few masters classes, or take random intro courses. I took Cisco classes + random intro courses this year at Lakeland to fulfill the full-time student requirement.

About Me:

I'm currently a Salesforce Developer in Cleveland. I've been working on E-Commerce sites for the past ten months. I've worked on public and private sector projects as a technical consultant. I graduated with a Software Engineering bachelors in 2018.

I'm the most extreme and dedicated CCDC player you will ever meet. I started a CCDC team at Cuyahoga Community College in 2017. I competed for Lakeland Community College in 2019. I worked full-time, took Cisco classes with David Durkee the Midwest Director, and practiced CCDC 2 hours everyday. I put in $1,771 at $15/hour in 2018. I spent over $3,500 this year. My goal is to win Regionals and go to Nationals. CCDC is my hobby. I have 2 years remaining.

Placement History:

Cuyahoga Community College
2nd Place Ohio 2017. 5-person team.
1st Place Ohio 2018. 5-person team.
10th Place (we think) Regionals 2018. 4-person team.

Lakeland Community College
2nd Place Invitationals Group 1 2018. 1-person team.
1st Place Ohio 2019. 2-person team.
5th Place Regionals 2019. 2-person team.

What Roles I'm interested in:

I've played the part of every role but I have a few favorites:

My favorite position is Firewall/Network Admin. I'm a team player and will put the team before my firewall rules. I will look into and fix any issues my teammates ask about. Around 40% of the injects are Firewall related. I know I can count on myself to complete injects on time and with quality.

My next pick is Web Admin. I've been doing web development since I was 15 years old. I also code in PHP and worked with MySQL before. I will be on the hunt for PHP shells and can look over the code for vulnerabilities.

Lastly I'm open to anything technical. Linux, Windows, or Splunk Admin would work. I'm not open to being a Team Captain/Project Manager, or Policy Writer. You can find someone better than me. I'm not the best at customer calls either. We got a 0.97 score (average) at Regionals. We got a 0.55 on the NIST packet. My partner took on most of the written injects.


1. Network Monitoring, Incident Response, Spotting Hacker Activity
Since all of my teams were small, we focused heavily on service uptime and inject points. I've never sat down and monitored network activity at CCDC. I was too busy going from one task to the next.
2. Windows Hosts
I can do Windows Firewall in command line. I know your supposed to install patches. My Windows defense skills are weak. We were wide open at Regionals.
3. Extra Stuff
We abandoned the IoT devices during Regionals. We played hot-potato with the 35-page NIST packet. Everything that doesn't fall under services and injects is a weakness.
4. No formal cybersecurity Education
I've taken 0 security classes. I learned Firewall on my own. I don't know if best practices exist or what they would be. I'm self-taught in all of my cybersecurity pursuits. This could also be a slight advantage because I look at things differently.

Benefits of Recruiting Me

  • Inherit all the CCDC tools I've made.
  • I will code any ideas you give me.
  • I have three score-sheets with corresponding inject responses. We can handpick the 2's and 3's and reuse them.
  • My entire binder of work.
  • Strong sysadmin skills. I can revive dead services.
  • A really passionate person.
Contact me at: if interested in recruitment. I can show you projects/apps I've worked on, injects I've done, and we can talk about how to move forward. I will also negotiate with "we need you to do X and Y before we let you on the team" type of deals.


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