Salesforce Platform Dev 1 Exam

I passed my Salesforce PD1 exam on July 9. The PD1 was my first Salesforce exam. Here are a few observations.


I studied for a total of seven days. I wanted to get the cert out of the way. Seven days is possible. I went to Starbucks on Saturday and Sunday and studied too. I wanted to study for the Admin I after PD1 but I was completely burned out. I couldn't study anymore multiple choice questions!


I used Quizlet, FocusOnForce,, and a developer console. FocusOnForce was the best resource.


This exam is rough. I'd say test takers automatically lose 20%-30% of the questions. Some questions are esoteric things you will not encounter on projects or while studying for this exam. It doesn't matter if you study for 7 days or 5 weeks, you'd probably get the same score anyways.


Salesforce could do better. As one coworker put it "the best way to determine someone's ability to code is by ambiguous multiple choice questions". I've taken some MTA's (Microsoft Technical Associate) and Microsoft does a better job. They don't try to trick you or want you to know random facts about Visual Studio.


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