FristiLeaks 1.3

Name: FristiLeaks 1.3
VM Creator: @Ar0xA
Time it took me: 8-10 hours.
Rating: 8/10. Its rated as "Basic" but its harder than basic imo. If you have little to no experience with privilege escalation, this one will take you a few hours. In the VM description it said 'box should take like 4 hours. Yeah... not me.
Recommend: Yep.
$ nmap -A -p 0-65535
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.15 ((CentOS) DAV/2 PHP/5.3.3)
| http-methods:
|_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE
| http-robots.txt: 3 disallowed entries
|_/cola /sisi /beer
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) DAV/2 PHP/5.3.3
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html; charset=UTF-8).

Port 80 is the only service up. This scares me a bit since I usually use SSH or FTP to login remotely. When I was in the box I seriously tried to do (service sshd start), (service ftpd start) as a low privileged user. I found out you need sudo access to start a service below port 1024. I tried to go into /etc/sshd/config and change the port, but root owned the file. I didn't have the privilege to change anything.

I visit the webpage and guess is a directory. The "fristi" word is not something you'll find in raft-large-directories.txt. Sine /cola and /beer were disallowed, I thought fristi might exist.

You will see this Base64 commented out String here. If you put the base64 into this website (, it will return an image.

Secret Image:

I was stuck here for a good amount of time. I threw the image away, thinking it was made to make fun of me rather than be an actual password. I tried "admin:keKkeKKeKKeKkEkkEk" and it failed.I then went to hydra to bruteforce the login panel. Meanwhile I saw a comment in the HTML that said:

TODO: We need to clean this up for production. I left some junk in here to make testing easier. - by eezeepz

I tried "eezeepz:keKkeKKeKKeKkEkkEk" and logged in successfully. PS: not a fan of the username eezeepz. Memory of typing that is not good. So after that your left with an upload button. You need to rename the file as a .png, .jpg file or it'll yell at you. I uploaded php-reverse-shell.php.jpg and ws0.php.jpg.

I am used to reverse webshells but not bind ones. I was getting annoyed with the double text output and thought WSO.php might solve my issues. It did not. I like WSO.php. The little part where you could connect via port 131337 (or set it up) was a cool feature.
Currently we are the apache user. I find notes.txt in the /var/www directory. Here's what it says:
hey eezeepz your homedir is a mess, go clean it up, just dont delete the important stuff.

Okay. Lets go visit /home/eezeepz. We find another notes.txt.

It says if we go in /tmp, make a file called runthis, we will run commands via the admin user. Also make sure to spawn a /bin/bash for your apache user. python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' I chmod 777 the whole /home/admin directory to make things easier for me. whoisyourgodnow.txt and cryptedpass.txt each have passwords in them. We need to decipher what they actually are. Lets look at the script:
#Enhanced with thanks to Dinesh Singh Sikawar @LinkedIn
import base64,codecs,sys

def encodeString(str):
base64string= base64.b64encode(str)
return codecs.encode(base64string[::-1], 'rot13')

print cryptoResult
We have to work our way backwards. Do this:
1. ROT13 the string.
2. Reverse the string.
3. Base64 decode the string.

Start: =RFn0AKnlMHMPIzpyuTI0ITG
Start: mVGZ3O3omkJLmy2pcuTq
Do a su fristigod and input the password. Do a sudo -l and see what permissions you have.

You notice you can run /var/fristigod/.secret_admin_stuff/doCom as sudo. Go over there and see what it does.


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